Free Naked Vegan Nude ? - Bare Naked Celebrity Food !

In the end you are barely legal, close to despair trying to get the things that really matter onto the political agenda. But people don't want to hear the naked truth, they don't want free bare facts, there is no teenage dream, free sex, pictures,naked celebrities, thongs and KFC breasts and thighs (buttocks). Is that what you want?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Naked nude bare vegan - public nudity exposed for politics

Naked Nude Spanish Vegans are at it again with their street public nudity protests.

This time a bare naked teen exposed on a giant plate with some sauce and salad

When they say MILF they mean Mother I'd Like Freedom For.

The question is does this really make people think about whats on their plate?

Do they go to eat a juicy bit of breast meat and think "ooh it's like eating that naked girl i saw yesterday" - does that bother them?

 A naked woman exposed in the newspaper is the easiest way to get attention but does public nudity actually get people to think enough to stop killing for food ?


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